China, Main Foreign Market for Brazilian Particleboard in 2022

Jan 30, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – The value of Brazilian exports of particleboard (PB / MDP) reached USD 108.94 million in 2022 (5M-2022).

1018BRASIL Which denoted an increase of 25.5 percent compared to USD 86.80 million exported in 2021.

China surpassed Peru and Colombia and became the main external market for Brazilian PB/MDP in 2022 with an export value to that country of USD 33.48 million. This represented an increase of 153.1 percent compared to the previous year (USD 13.22 million).

Brazilian PB/MDP exports to Peru (USD 23.17 million) and Colombia (USD 18.84 million), the next most important foreign markets, grew by 2.7 percent and 42.0 percent, respectively, in 2022.

Brazil’s PB / MDP exports to Bolivia reached USD 15.18 million in 2022, 31.7 percent more than in 2021 (USD 11.53 million).

Santa Catarina, with PB / MDP exports of USD 46.48 million in 2022, surpassed Rio Grande Do Sul (USD 32.77 million ) and was the leading Brazilian PB / MDP exporting state in 2022.

Sao Paulo followed, rising from USD 12.56 million in 2021 to USD 13.20 million in 2022.

BRA 4410 2022 ENGL


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