Chilean Particleboard Exports Exceed USD 100 million in 2023

Mar 3, 2024 | Markets | 0 comments

CHILE – The value of Chilean exports of particleboard (PB / MDP) reached USD 100.39 million in 2023, reflecting a significant increase of 28.4% compared to 2022 (USD 78.18 million).

1073PBMDP Arauco and Masisa collectively accounted for the entire Chilean PB/MDP exports in 2023. Arauco’s shipments amounted to USD 76.45 million, indicating a notable 41.6% improvement from USD 53.99 million in 2022. Conversely, Masisa contributed USD 23.93 million, marking a slight 1.1% decrease compared to USD 24.19 million in 2022.

Chilean PB/PMD exports in 2023 exhibited significant growth in shipments to Ecuador (USD 8.14 million) and Guatemala (USD 7.90 million), with increases of 65.6% and 87.1%, respectively.

Exports to Mexico, the primary external market for Chilean PB / MDP, also experienced substantial growth, rising by 35.0% from USD 27.74 million in 2022 to USD 37.46 million in 2023.

Exports to Peru, the second-largest external market, saw an increase of 5.3% in 2023.

Shipments to Colombia, ranking third in importance for Chilean PB/MDP exports, experienced a rise of 12.6%, reaching USD 14.29 million.

CHI E44102023 ENGL


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