Brazilian Industry 4.0 Chamber is launched

Apr 15, 2019 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – On March 3, the Brazilian Chamber of Industry 4.0 was launched, an initiative of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communications (MCTIC) and the Ministry of Economy.

828BRASIL2 The creation of the Chamber is part of a package of government measures to increase productivity, employment and economic activity.

Industry 4.0 is the result of using various digital technologies on the shop floor and in business management, including artificial intelligence, the internet of things and nanotechnology.

For the interim president of Movergs, Rogério Francio, Industry 4.0 is a worldwide reality. “In Brazil we already have industries that adopt this technology. It is important that companies understand the technology process of Industry 4.0 and are increasingly prepared for that reality”.

During the event, Gianna Sagazio, Director of Innovation of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), presented the main results of the Industry 2027 project carried out by CNI, the Entrepreneurial Mobilization for Innovation (MEI) and the Euvaldo Lodi Institute (IEL), with technical execution by the institutes of economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and State of Campinas (Unicamp).

The survey of 759 large and medium-sized companies showed that 21.8% projected to have the production process fully digitized over a 10-year horizon. Currently, only 1.7% of Brazilian companies operate in Industry 4.0 standards.


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