Biesse in FIMMA 2020: a must for the wood sector

Feb 17, 2020 | Markets | 0 comments

SPAIN – Biesse will have a 700 m2 stand at FIMMA 2020, which will take place from March 10 to 13 at the of Feria Valencia fairgrounds. There  Biesse will exhibit a wide variety of technologies that  the company has developed for wood transformation.

780BIESSE Celda

With 10 machines on display, from  edge banders, machining centers, sanding centers, vertical drills, to sectioning machines and handling centers. In addition, visitors to the stand will be introduced to all the benefits of working with the Biesse software range, guided by Biesse’s specialized staff.

Several machines in operation will be on display, aimed at all wood professionals, from large factories with high production volumes and companies that must produce thousands of different products according to the needs of customization, to small businesses that often have the characteristics of artisanal companies.

As the centerpiece of the Biesse stand will present a cell composed of a Winstore, a Selco WN2 and a Rover K FT, creating the ideal solution for the medium-sized company looking to optimize their production processes, guaranteeing production in a short time and with reduced costs.

Among other machines, visitors to FIMMA will be able to see the Biesse Rover range, from the 5-axis Rover A, a simple and intuitive 5-axis CNC that makes it possible to manufacture any type of decoration, to the Rover K FT, with Biesse’s Gantry structure, the most compact on the market, designed to machine wood panels and by-products.


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