Masonite acquires Lifetime Doors

USA (Notifix).- Masonite Inc., a leading global manufacturer of residential and commercial doors, announced the acquisition of Lifetime Doors Inc., headquartered in Farmington

Hills, Michigan. Lifetime is an interior flush door manufacturer specializing in moulded, veneer, prefinished and bifold doors. "Lifetime is a natural fit for Masonite. Lifetime's geographic coverage, along with strong customer relationships will complement Masonite's operations and create exciting new opportunities for our customers, employees, and suppliers and enable Masonite to continue delivering on its strategic growth initiatives," stated Larry Repar, Masonite's Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. This acquisition is the fifth transaction executed by Masonite this year. In March Masonite acquired Ledco Inc., an interior door manufacturer in the US. In June and July Masonite closed three additional transactions establishing Masonite as a clear leader in the fast growing molded door market in India.


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