Solid growth in FY 2017 for Schüller Kitchens

Mar 26, 2018 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

GERMANY – In 2017 Schüller continued its stable growth as sales climbed by 5.4 percent to 449 million euros.

775SCHULLER1 In Germany, the plus was 4.6 percent (344 million euros), an important achievement in contrast to the general sector development, which was hit by one of its main competitor’s bankruptcy (Alno). Schüller’s sales in foreign markets grew by 10% to 105 million euros, which increased the export quota to 23.4 percent.

A key focus was on the core countries of Central and Western Europe, but Schüller also sees important growth potential in the Asia-Pacific region and by participating in the Eurocucina in Milan, the company wants to reinforce its commitment towards exports.

“Our task for 2018 will be to continue on the path of continuous growth. We are optimistic about equally ambitious and realistic goals,” said Managing Director Markus Schüller.

In 2017 the company invested 26 million euros into buildings and facilities at its Herrieden production site. At the same time, the workforce was increased to 1,529, of which around 100 are apprentices.





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