RTA Muebles was the main Colombian furniture manufacturer in 2020

Jun 28, 2021 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – RTA Muebles sales reached COP 124.8 billion in 2020, compared to sales of 98.1 billion in 2019. The above represented an increase of 27.2% and allowed RTA Muebles to surpass Famoc de Panel as the main Colombian furniture manufacturer in 2020.

939COLOMBIA2 Maderkit with sales of COP 75.6 billion in 2020 was the third largest furniture manufacturer in the country in 2020.

Within the Top 10 furniture manufacturers in the country, the company Series specialized in commercial seating was the one that grew the most, going from COP 30.4 billion in 2019 to COP 49.9 billion, an increase of 63.9%. It was followed with a growth of 33.9% by the office furniture manufacturer Moderline, going from COP 41.3 billion in 2019 to COP 55.3 billion.

Also within the Top 10, five of the manufacturers specialize in office and commercial furniture, and four of the manufacturers specialize in modular ready to assemble furniture.

Manufacturers specialized in modular furniture had consolidated sales of COP 321.3 billion in 2020 and a growth of 17.4% compared to 2019. While manufacturers specialized in office and commercial furniture had sales of COP 311.5 billion and grew 2.8% compared to 2019.



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