Nobilia achieved record revenue growth in 2018

Feb 25, 2019 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

GERMANY – Nobilia, the largest kitchen furniture manufacturer in Europe, reported sales in 2018 for 1.228 billion euros, an increase of 9.1% compared to the previous year.

821NOBILIA2 “It was the biggest absolute growth in the company’s history,” said Dr. Ing. Lars Bopf, chairman of the board of management of Nobilia, at the financial results press conference in Verl, Germany.

The increase in sales was mainly due to the wood parts business which reached new highs with more than 7.27 million cabinets and more than 1.69 million countertops sold.

In the domestic market Nobilia consolidated its leading position with sales of € 642 million (2017: € 602.5 million), a growth of 6.6 percent. According to market research firm GfK, Nobilia is also the market leader in Germany in all distribution channels.

At the end of fiscal year 2018 Nobilia expanded the share of exports in total sales by reaching 47.7 percent of its shipments. During the period, exports totaled 585.5 million euros, an increase of 12 percent compared to the previous year (+62.5 million euros).

With more than 70 years in the market, the production of Nobilia is carried out in its entirety in its two plants in Verl, East-Westphalia which add up to a production area of 250,000 m2. From there Nobilia produced in 2018 an average of 3,300 kitchens per day with 3,596 employees.


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