Institutional support for Spanish manufacturers to reach Latin American markets

Apr 22, 2014 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

SPAIN – Cancio Furniture, Carinbisa and Forest Habitatwill develop their international business with the support of the Spanish Confederation of Timber Businesses, CONFEMADERA HABITAT, the Spanish Federation of Habitat Businesses, FEDERHÁBITAT, and the strategic consulting and business development company, International Strategic Partners Consulting, ISP Consulting.

The furniture manufacturers Cancio Furniture, Carinbisa and Forest Habitat, have signed cooperation agreements to develop a project of international business development in Latin America. The aim is for these companies to penetrate and take hold in these markets through the promotion and marketing of their products, with local management in each market.

This action was created with the aim of helping companies of wood furniture to internationalize, reducing time and training costs in each market, facilitating the identification of the different distribution channels, market penetration of the companies products in the target markets, the active search for synergies between companies in different markets and the reduction of risks and costs that are intended for marketing products in the target market, ensuring confidentiality and exclusivity by sector and market.

ISP Consulting specializes in strategic and international business development consultancy, with main focus on Latin America, where it operates for more than 15 years and where it has developed its work for prestigious Spanish companies such as Gestamp and La Once, among others.


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