Iconic Award for Häcker Küchen’s SlightLift wall unit

Mar 17, 2018 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

GERMANY – The Iconic World jury presented Häcker Küchen with the renowned Iconic Award 2018 – Interior Design for the SlightLift wall unit, which was recently presented for the first time at the in-house exhibition in 2017.

744HACKER1 1 Combined with intelligent light management, this is a kitchen unit that brings together design and function.

The SlightLift is based on an idea from furniture designer Jochen Flacke and impresses thanks to its looks combined with atmospheric light technology, and whether it’s closed as a wall unit or open as a decorative shelf.

The name SlightLift is made up of the words “slide”, “light” and “lift and together they describe the main characteristics of the unit, which slides to lift up and also features intelligent light control.

Sales of the SlightLift are also going extremely well. “We have been overwhelmed by the interest shown by our customers, even though we had high expectations of the SlightLift right from the development stage,” said Marcus Roth, Head of Sales for Germany and Austria. Interest in this product from export countries is also on the rise.

“The award is sure to bring the SlightLift even further into the spotlight,” said Jörg Varnholt, who is delighted to be able to present the SlightLift as one of the highlights at EuroCucina in Milan.










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