CSIL publishes report on Brazilian Kitchen furniture market

Jan 21, 2019 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

ITALY – The Report, at its first edition, offers: market size and activity trend, distribution channels and market drivers, market shares (six different price segments) for a sample of 50 kitchen furniture manufacturers that hold together approximately two thirds of the Brazilian market for kitchen furniture in value.

816CSIL In Brazil, the kitchen furniture production is mainly concentrated in the industrial furniture clusters of the Southern and the South-Eastern States, such as: Bento Gonçalves (RS), Interior of São Paulo (SP), Arapongas (PR), City of São Paulo and Metropolitan Area (SP), Ubá (MG), Curitiba (PR), São Bento do Sul (SC), Lagoa Vermelha (RS) and Rio de Janeiro and Metropolitan Area (RJ).

Production of kitchen furniture in Brazil increased in 2017 and a further growth is expected during 2018 and 2019. Among the major distributors in the large retail sector we find: Casas Bahia and Ponto Frio, Magazine Luiza, Lojas Cem, Ricardo Eletro, Marabraz and Lojas Colombo.

The kitchen furniture market in Brazil shows a mixed composition with large brands coexisting with small brands. Itatiaia, Todeschini, Evviva, Florense, Nicioli, Henn, Unica, Kappesberg, Politorno, Notável and Kit’s Paraná are among the main players.

Top 50 manufacturers, according to CSIL estimates, hold around two thirds of the Brazilian market for kitchen furniture in value.


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