Bene is the first company in Austria to be awarded ISO 38200 certification

Mar 4, 2019 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

AUSTRIA – Bene, one of the leading companies of the European office furniture industry, is the first Austrian company to achieve certification under ISO 38200, the new standard recognizing a monitored chain of custody for wood and wood-based products, cork and lignified materials.

822BENE In recent years there has been much discussion throughout Europe about the certification of sustainable forestry and the need to confirm that wood materials have come from sustainable and guaranteed legal sources. For the wood processing industry it is of prime importance to ensure the traceability of their wood or wood-based products, and to be able to prove the origin and legality of these raw materials. This is also particularly relevant for the international office furniture industry.

As one of the leading companies in the sector, Bene recognizes its responsibilities in this area. On 17 December 2018 Bene became the first Austrian company to be certified according to ISO 38200. This new, globally recognized international standard sets strict requirements for a monitored chain of custody (CoC) for wood and wood-based products, cork and lignified materials, and their products, ensuring the traceability and legality of the wood used and end-to-end monitoring of the upstream supply chain.

“Thinking and acting sustainably comes naturally to Bene: the three pillars of economic, ecological and social responsibility are central aspects of the company’s corporate strategy. This certification gives Bene more flexibility on the purchasing side and for our customers it provides even more certainty that their office furnishings are made using only legal and sustainable wood,” said Michael Fried, Bene’s Executive Board Member for Sales, Marketing and Innovation, speaking at the presentation of the certificate. “Bene was our pilot customer for the ISO 38200, so the award of this certificate also has a special significance for us,” adds the industry specialist at Quality Austria, Axel Dick, Executive Vice President Business Development Environment and Energy, CSR.


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