OG Design Studios of Chile and EGGER in the DesignJunction Show

Oct 11, 2013 | Design | 0 comments

U.K. (Notifix).- DesignJunction is the annual furniture event that takes place in Central London, this year held from 18th – 22nd September 2013.

This event is widely recognized for its international design excellence and was attended by approximately 21,000 visitors as well as press from around the world. The exhibition area covered an area of over 11,000 m2.The architect Orlando Gatica, founder of OG Design Studio from Chile exhibited at the DesignJunction in London. The Chilean Government is supporting architects from Chile with a large booth which includes 6 Design Studios. This was an important show for Orlando Gatica, as well as EGGER, as Mr. Gatica presented his innovative ‘Brick’ furniture.



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