Sonae consolidates recovery in 3rd quarter

PORTUGAL (Notifix).- During the 3rd quarter Sonae Industria increased turnover by 4 %, to EUR 326 million, EBITDA increased by 2 % to EUR 29 million and net losses reduced by 17 % to EUR 9 million. "As expected 3Q11 activity was affected by normal seasonal shutdowns which led to lower capacity utilization and a deterioration in the dilution of fixed costs. Nevertheless, we were able to keep our recurrent EBITDA margin at a level close to 9 % of turnover, supported by significant operational efficiency gains. When comparing 9M11 with 9M10, we achieved a much better performance, which was translated into a 2pp increase in recurrent EBITDA margin and a 6 % growth in turnover. This positive evolution is a combined effect of a better customer management, and an extensive efficiency improvement program", joint CEOs Rui Correia and João Paulo Pinto commented. Sonae also reported on its investment plans in South Africa, where it has decided to expand MDF production capacity in order to increase market share in this market. According to the company, "Investments that are already ongoing will enable us to increase MDF production by 50% by the middle of 2012, with the aim of more than doubling production in the next 2 years".Sonae Industria, resultados Julio - SeptiembreSonae Industria, resultados Enero - Septiembre


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