Noticeable improvement in Q2 2011 for Duratex

BRAZIL (Notifix).- Performance during the second quarter for Duratex showed improvement over the beginning of 2011. There was an increase of 12.1% in volume shipped, accompanied by improvement of 3.6% in the base unit price. As a result, net income for the period totaled R $ 480.7 million and presented an improvement of 16.2% over the previous quarter. The cash generation measured by EBITDA totaled R $ 159.9 million, with EBITDA margin of 33.3%. This result, however, benefited from events of an extraordinary nature in the amount of R $ 14.1 million, highlighting the sale of 211 hectares of land near the city of Itu - SP. Therefore, the recurring EBITDA is $ 145.8 million, with margin of 30.3%, representing a significant improvement relative to the margin of 26.6% presented in the previous quarter. In the year, the volume of shipments fell by 4.5%. As a result, EBITDA, which totaled R $ 256.1 million fell by 7.0% over the same period in 2010, and the margin decreased to 28.6% compared to 31.2% margin recorded in the previous year.


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