Tecnotabla sales grow 35% in 2Q-2018

Aug 14, 2018 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

MEXICO – Tecnotabla, the MDF and value added products operation of Proteak Uno S.A.B. de C.V., reported sales in 2Q-2018 of MXN 273 million (approximately USD 14.2 million), 35% above 2Q-2017 and +30% on sales in 1Q-2018. According to the Company’s analysis, it estimates that it has reached a market share of 24% in Mexico. In 2018 the Mexican MDF market continues to develop, as local production grows stronger against imports.

795TECNOTABLA In 2Q-2018 Tecnotabla recorded the highest production since the plant’s start of operations. Currently the MDF plant is in the final stabilization phase and the production ramp-up is in line with expectations and remains stable at the target level of installed capacity with the desired quality.

With the plant’s central system operating efficiently, Tecnotabla continues to make progress in optimizing the auxiliary systems that will allow it to reach the expected production cost.

The Company also reported that the energy cogeneration turbine successfully passed the start-up and stabilization tests; however, it has not yet been possible to reach 100% integration into the production process.

For its part, the resin mixing plant continues to increase the volume of production and the production of the quarter was already very close to the installed capacity. In the following months, Tecnotabla expects to continue improving the cost of resin per cubic meter of board through the integration of the EvoJet dry resin application system.

To supply the demand of the plant, during the 2Q-2018 Tecnotabla started its planting campaign 2018/2019, which considers 2,000 ha of Eucalyptus. With this, the company will reach its goal of certified hectares of planted Eucalyptus.




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