Sonae Industria affected by southern Europe in 2Q-2013 performance

Aug 1, 2013 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

PORTUGAL (Notifix).- Sonae Industria sales were again affected by the difficult situation in southern Europe reaching EUR 324 million in the 2Q-2013, a 5% drop compare with € 341 million in the 2Q-2013. EBITDA fell 16.7% in the 2Q-2013 totaling € 20 million.

Sonae Industria Results January JuneSonae Industria Results January June

Rui Correia, Sonae’s CEO commented, “During the second quarter of 2013, we have continued to face adverse trading 

conditions in most of the regions where we have industrial presence. To mitigate these we continued to pursue the defined strategy of focusing in key markets, improving operational efficiencies and developing a competitive and integrated offer, with the on-going implementation of several strategic initiatives”.    



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