Signs of US recovery seen reflected on Norbord’s 2Q-2013 figures

Aug 1, 2013 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CANADA (Notifix).- Canada’s panel board producer Norbord Inc., is continuing in its path of improving performance as the 2Q-2013 figures are released. The company reported EBITDA of US$102 million in the second quarter of 2013, compared to US$31 million in the same quarter last year. 

Norbord Results January JuneNorbord Results April JuneNorth American operations generated EBITDA of $92 million in the quarter versus $26 million last. As the company pointed out in a statement to the press, “June year-to-date US housing starts and permits were both 24% higher than the same period last year. The consensus forecast of US housing economists remains at 1.0 million starts for 2013, a 28% increase over last year.”
The company also reported an improvement in Europe, as panel demand and prices, particularly for OSB and particleboard, improved again this quarter.  The company explained, “We are beginning to see early signs of a fundamental turnaround in UK housing.  This is encouraging as the UK continues to be Norbord’s most important European market.”


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