Masisa Signs Credit for USD 100 Million

Oct 23, 2017 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE – Last October 20th Masisa, one of the main manufacturers of wood panels in Latin America, reported through an Essential Fact that it signed a USD 100 million credit agreement with Coöperatieve Rabobank UA, Santander Bank of Chile, Peru’s Banco de Crédito and BBVA Chile, with a term of up to one year and a single payment of principal upon maturity of the loan.

755MASISA The funds from this loan, together with those already received from the sale of Masisa’s industrial business in Argentina, will be used to prepay the total outstanding capital of the International Bond that the company issued in May 2014, which currently amounts to USD 200 million. With this, Masisa advances in its plan of restructuring of the debt and decrease of financial costs.


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