Masisa recognized for its leadership combating climate change

Nov 8, 2013 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE – For the third year in a row, on Monday October 28, Masisa was recognized as one of the 10 Chilean companies that contribute most to combat climate change, according to a study by Fundación Chile and Capital magazine.

This study seeks to distinguish management of climate change in companies, through a questionnaire evaluated by experts in the field, who were based on four attributes: measurement, communication, policy and action.

“Masisa’s commitment is reflected in its energy efficiency program, the conversion to an increasingly clean energy matrix, as well as the work with transportation providers and the sustainable management of native forests,” said Francisca Tondreau, CSR Manager at Masisa.

Just on the subject of working with suppliers, Masisa also received a special mention in collaboration with leading suppliers.


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