German Brand Award for Pfleiderer

Jun 14, 2021 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – Pfleiderer Germany received the “Winner” award in the “Excellence in Brand Strategy and Creation” category of the German Brand Awards for the campaign for the new 2021–2024 collection – “Make Your Visions Work”.

937PFLEIDERER The award is one of the most important awards for successful brand management in Germany. Its high status is also due to the authorities involved: It is initiated by the German Design Council, the design and branding authority in Germany; judged by a top-class panel of experts from brand management and brand science.

Pfleiderer’s campaign for the new collection convinced the jury with regard to the criteria mentioned. Under the motto “Make Your Visions Work”, the company shows how the new collection, the range of services and a consistently sustainable focus picks up on the current needs of customers and creates new design perspectives.

“This award makes us particularly proud, because we worked out the requirements for the new collection together with our customers and incorporated them into the collection and campaign,” explains Stefan Göldner, Head of Communication at Pfleiderer Deutschland GmbH. “The ‘Winner’ award is therefore also a prize for our customers, our Schlasse agency and for everyone who contributed to the campaign.”


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