Garnica’s Genuine Commitment to Reducing its Carbon Footprint

Jan 9, 2023 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

SPAIN – Since Garnica acquired the firm commitment to reduce its carbon footprint, the company has been incorporating in recent years to all its plants the carbon footprint register managed by the Spanish Office for Climate Change.

1015GARNICA And as of January 1, 2022, all of Garnica’s work centers in Spain will consume 100% renewable electricity. This is in addition to the fact that the heat energy required for the production process was already being generated in a sustainable way, from biomass. Both measures mean that currently more than 95% of the total energy consumed in its work centers is of renewable origin.

This electricity consumption has a direct impact on reducing its carbon footprint. In 2018, they started using a “more renewable” energy mix, resulting in a significant reduction of its greenhouse gas emissions. This has allowed Garnica to continue gradually reducing its CO2 equivalent (tCO2eq), a unit of measurement used to calculate emissions of all greenhouse gases which, in this case, are measured in relation to the company’s turnover.

Corporate carbon footprint is an environmental indicator that reflects all the greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted at a work centre, both directly and indirectly. It is measured as an equivalent weight of CO2, in order for it to be an objective and comparable indicator. Knowing an organisation’s carbon footprint is the first step towards establishing a strategy for reducing or offsetting emissions.

In the specific case of Garnica, the emission of these greenhouse gases is calculated over all of the Group’s work centres, including scopes 1 and 2, i.e. fuel burned on-site to produce energy or for transportation within the factory, as well as electricity consumption.

All of the company’s efforts are therefore in line with its ESG policies in terms of social responsibility and are part of their commitment to ensuring the environmental efficiency of all its activity, since it wants to keep growing responsibly through sustainable economic models, in order to move towards a circular economy.

Garnica is a plywood manufacturer and a world leader in the production and innovation of poplar board from sustainable European plantations.


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