EGGER continues to invest in the UK

Nov 8, 2013 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

UK – The Austrian board manufacturer EGGER made new investments at its production site in Hexham, UK. This subsidiary was EGGER’s first investment overseas, a company that today has 17 production sites in seven European countries.

Over the last six years, EGGER has invested more than £200 million at Hexham, to create one of the world’s most advanced and environmentally-friendly wood panel manufacturing sites. The new building in the industrial complex will house an engineering center and training academy.

“As a 24 hour a day operation we have to be responsive to the needs of the plant, whatever time of the day or night. Therefore, our philosophy is to have the required skills and capabilities in-house and on-site. And this new facility brings the whole department together under one roof to assist communication, collaborative work, development and efficiencies,” said Bob Livesey, plant manager.


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