Duratex is inviting to the online forum “Trends in Interior Design 2019”

Mar 18, 2019 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – Duratex Colombia is inviting the virtual forum “Trends in Interior Design 2019” to be held on March 20 at 4:00 pm Colombian time.

824DURATEX1 This one-hour forum will include the participation of the internationally recognized color expert, Jesus Antonio Marquez Camacho, who is the Color Manager of paint manufacturer Pintuco.

The forum will also include the participation of Product Design Engineer Isabel Cristina Restrepo Pelaez, a renowned trend expert and adviser on the matter to Duratex Colombia.

This forum (in Spanish) is part of the wood panel manufacturer’s initiatives to develop and share knowledge with designers, architects and the wood panel processing industry.

Those interested can participate registering in the following link: http://duratex.e-trainme.co/registro/.

Duratex, formerly Tablemac, is the largest wooden panel manufacturer in Colombia with production of particleboard and MDF in its three production plants in Barbosa and Yarumal, Antioquia, and Manizales, Caldas.


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