Duratex integrates its new businesses to its sustainability model

Jan 28, 2019 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

BRAZIL – Duratex carries out a program to ensure that in a period of two years all the newly businesses acquired by the company are integrated into its socio-environmental management model and in alignment with the company’s Sustainability Strategy.

817DURATEX Duratex’s commitment to sustainable development is well established. For three consecutive years, Duratex has been distinguished as the most sustainable company in its sector of performance by Sustainability Guide of Exame magazine and is also part of the B3 Business Sustainability Index since 2008.

In order to maintain the level of excellence in its business model, the company assumed, in its sustainability strategy, the goal of integrating its newly acquired businesses, over a period of two years, with the model of socio-environmental management it maintains.

For this, the company developed a program dedicated to the subject, which since 2018 is being implemented in the Hydra, Ceusa and Duratex Colombia units, which was fully acquired by the company in 2017.

“The program is basically based on two modules of 12 months. The first is dedicated to mapping the aspects related to the Management, Suppliers and Communities of the new business, while the second seeks to implement the necessary actions so that the business reaches the level of social-environmental management of the company. Among them, to assume clear and objective goals of eco-efficiency, insert all their critical suppliers in the Duratex Supplier Management Program (GFD) and promote dialogue with the surrounding communities, and then initiate action plans to ensure their local development”, explains Izidoro Machado, Duratex Sustainability Coordinator.


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