Duraplay Inaugurates its MDF Plant in Chihuahua

Nov 7, 2017 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

MEXICO – Last October 24th in the City of Parral, Chihuahua, Duraplay celebrated the inauguration of its new plant “Fibraplay MDF”. The investment, which exceeds USD 80 million, includes the plant with production capacity of 200 thousand m3 of MDF per year and a resins production plant. The main supplier of the project, which began in March 2015, was the German firm Dieffenbacher GmbH.

757DURAPLAY The inaugural event of Fibraplay MDF was attended by the Governor of the State, Javier Corral, the mayor of the city of Parral, Alfredo Lozoya, the Director of CONAFOR, Arturo Beltrán, the Board of Directors of the company and its Director, Emilio Ayub.

During his speech, Mr. Ayub stated, “We are very proud to be a company with very Mexican roots, the start of our two new plants, one for MDF and the other for resins, emphasizes our commitment to our customers, offering the most complete line of products in the market with the highest quality standards”.

For his part, Governor Javier Corral celebrated the start-up of these new facilities of a company proudly Chihuahuan, as it means good news for Chihuahua and Mexico, to have an economic project, which also cares about the correct exploitation, processing and industrialization of the forest.

In his speech, Governor Javier Corral said: “Companies must bet on innovation, in this sense Duraplay complies, because they set out to start up the plant with state-of-the-art technology, which in turn will comply with the highest environmental standards in the world, generating 100 direct jobs and a thousand indirect jobs.”

To celebrate the start of these two new plants, the traditional cutting of the ribbon was made and the plaques were unveiled that register the beginning of a new stage of the forest industry in the region.

The sources of financing for the realization of this project were the Capitalization and Investment Fund of the Rural Sector (FOCIR) with the participation of FIDEAPECH, the National Foreign Trade Bank, the DEG-German Development Bank and Duraplay’s own resources.



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