Arauco launches Vesto in Colombia, the melamine with copper antimicrobial protection

Aug 2, 2013 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

COLOMBIA (Notifix).- Arauco, the leading forestry company in Latin America introduced to the Colombian market the new VESTO melamine, the only melamine in the world with copper antimicrobial protection. 

Arauco vesto

In a first stage of commercialization its annual sales are expected to reach USD 80 million.

This new melamine is generally used for the manufacture of bathroom furniture, kitchen, home, offices, hospitals and commercial facilities. It is able to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses with an effectiveness of 99%, thus greatly reducing the risk of infections and sources of allergies in environments where people engage in daily activities.

For the general manager of Arauco Colombia SA, Juan Pablo Vaccaro, the launch of this product in this market is very relevant, since “Colombia is an attractive market for the sale of melamine thanks to the country’s large furniture manufacturing industry, which not only is strong due to domestic consumption, but also as a supplier of finished furniture to other markets.”




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