August Shows Strong Increase in Peruvian PB/MDP Imports

Oct 16, 2017 | Markets | 0 comments

PERU – Peruvian particleboard (PB) / medium density particleboard (MDP) imports reached USD 8.45 million in August 2017. A strong 33.5% increase when compared to USD 6.33 million August 2016.

754PERU Ecuador with USD 3.26 million and Chile with USD 2.85 million were the main supplying countries and experienced the biggest growth with 66.9% and 43.1% respectively. Shipments of PB/MDP from Brazil and Spain to Peru were also up in August, all though moderately.

Consolidated Peruvian imports of Particleboard/MDP for the January – August period 2017 (8M-2017) reached USD 53.44 million compared to 49.30 million in 8M-2016 (+8.4%). Ecuador and Chile remained as the main supplying countries with USD 21.26 million and USD 17.59 million each in 8M-2017 and a share of total imports in the period of 39.8% for Ecuador and 32.9% for Chile. The fastest growing supplying country in 8M-2017 was Brazil with 62.2% growth, followed by Spain with 24.4%.


PB / MDP Imports August

754Peru MDP Imports August 2017

PB / MDP Imports January – August 

Peru MDP Imports 2017



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