Strong Improvement in Brazil’s Wooden Panel Domestic Sales and Consumption

Sep 18, 2017 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – In July 2017, according to the IBA (Brazilian Tree Industry) monthly bulletin, domestic sales of wood panels in Brazil reached 550,000 m3, a solid 10.7% above the July 2016 figure (497,000 m3).

750IBA2 Domestic consumption of wood panels in Brazil in July 2017 – month in which there were no imports – grew by 10.2% from 499,000 m3 in July 2016 to 550,000 m3 in July 2017.

Exports of Brazilian wood panels in July 2017 had a strong growth of 40.5% in volume from 84,000 m3 in July 2016 to 118,000 m3 in July 2017. The value exported in the first seven months of the year was up 25.4%, going from USD 130 million in the period January – July 2016 to USD 163 million in the same period of 2017.


Brazil Panels July






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