Duratex Announces its New Motto to the Market

Aug 1, 2017 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

BRAZIL – “Solutions for better living.” This is the motto announced this month of July by Duratex to the market, which will guide the performance of all the company’s businesses from now on.

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“As a result of the reflection and intense work of the company’s leadership, it reflects the essence, reason for existence and what Duratex intends to do for its ciients and consumers,” said Antonio Joaquim, the company’s CEO. “This  motto will be, from now on, the driver of the company. Everything Duratex does will fit that definition”, he added.

In practice this means that the company will act daily, not only to manufacture products with the quality and excellence already recognized by the market, but also to offer each of its end consumers complete solutions that effectively provide a Better Living – at home, in the office, in the gym, in a restaurant, in a hotel, and in the many other places where Duratex brand products can be found.


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