Homag invests in Schopfloch site to increase production area

Jul 24, 2017 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – The Homag Group is investing in its Schopfloch site. Investments for the extension of a building to further increase the production area and for new parking spaces will reach around € 2.5 million this year. Further investments are due to follow.

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The ground-breaking ceremony to mark the 1,800 m2 extension of the production area took place on July 11, attended by the Homag Group’s CEO, Pekka Paasivaara, the Freudenstadt district administrator, Dr. Klaus Michael Rückert, and Schopfloch’s mayor, Klaas Klaasen. The extension, due to be completed by early 2018, will cost around € 2 million.

Pekka Paasivaara: “With our complex high-tech products, our domestic sites remain important to the Homag Group. This is why we continue to invest in their sustainability, just as we are doing now in Schopfloch. The excellent business climate has prompted us to expand our production capacities in order to serve our customers as quickly as possible”, stated Homag’s CEO, Mr. Paasivaara.

Carmen Hettich-Günter, chair of the works council in Schopfloch and chair of the Homag Group works council, added, “The staff is looking forward to the extension and regard the investment as a strong commitment to the Schopfloch site. We also see it as an appreciation of the great dedication demonstrated by the employees.” New parking spaces for the workforce will also be created and further investments in the machinery will follow.


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