Biesse Group updates it’s 3 year business plan to 2019

Mar 7, 2017 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

ITALY – The Board of Directors of Biesse S.p.A. approved an updated Group industrial plan for the three year period 2017-2019. With it Biesse Group expects to achieve growth in consolidated net revenues, with organic CAGR – over the three year period of 10.1% (revenues of more than Euro 825 million expected in 2019). 

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Another goal is an increase in Value Added with a three year CAGR of 11.3% (to reach a record 42.1% of revenues in 2019). And last but not least, an increase in operating profitability: Ebitda three year CAGR of 11.6%.

“The three years industrial plan is starting from the excellent 2016 results,” stated the Group General Manager, Mr. Stefano Porcellini. “The 2016 showed a record growth in revenues, increased profitability and a positive net financial position for € 4,9 million”, he added.

Consolidated revenues for the 2016 are estimated to have risen by 19.1% compared with the previous year being up to EUR 618,1 million, while the Ebitda is estimated at 12.3% of net sales. “The Biesse Board of Directors, – driven by Roberto and Giancarlo Selci -, has approved the actions to support the organic growth plan for the next three years 2017-2019 with even a more intense focus in CAPEX for innovation, service and marketing/sales network. Particular attention and targeted investments will be moreover devoted to the development of the concepts of think4ward, internet of things and Industry 4.0 (Digital Factory).” 


Biesse Group Business Plan 2017-2019

Million EUR

Source: Biesse



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