Strong growth in Brazilian wood panel consumption in December

Feb 28, 2017 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – In December 2016 and according to the IBA (Industria Brasileira de Árvores) monthly report, Brazilian domestic sales of wood panels reached 492,000 m3, a solid 14.7% increase compared to December 2015 (429,000 m3).

duratex 201611 Domestic panel consumption in Brazil experienced a similar increase in December 2016 with 492,000 m3 consumed, 14.4%% higher compared to December 2015 (430,000 m3).

Consolidated domestic sales in Brazil, for the January – December 2016 period, reached 6.24 million m3, a decrease of 2.1% compared to the same period 2015 (6.37 million m3). Panels consolidated consumption also decreased by 2.2% in 2016 (6.24 million m3) as compared to 2015 (6.38 million m3).

Brazilian panel manufacturers were able to partially offset lower domestic sales and consumption in 2016 by maintaining an important growth of 64% in panel exports in the period and reaching 1,051,000 m3 (2015: 641,000 m3).

The value of Brazilian panel exports grew 28.2% to USD 250 million in 2016 (2015: USD 195 million). Latin America was the main export regional market for Brazilian wood panels with USD 136 million (2015: 124 million) followed by North America with USD 64 million (2015: 43 million).


Brazil Wood Panels in December

Thousand m3

Source: IBA


Brazil Wood Panels

January – December. Thousand m3

Source: IBA



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