Duratex reverts negative trend in 4Q-16 results

Feb 14, 2017 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

BRAZIL – Duratex, the largest wood panel manufacturer in South America, reported sales of BRR 1.02 billion in the 4Q-2016 an increase of 7.7% compared with sales of BRR 955 million in the 4Q-2016.

duratex 201702 Sales of the wood division in the 4Q-16 reached BRR 692 million compared to BRR 624,3 million in the same period 2015, a noticeable 10.8% increase. Duratex sales for the year reached BRR 3,90 billion down 1.3% compared to 2015. Wood division sales for 2016 totaled BRR 2,59 billion, a stable performance when compared to 2015.

Throughout 2016, Duratex showed an improvement in Net Earnings, reversing the loss generated in the first quarter of the year. Since then, the Company has demonstrated its powers of recovery through cost reduction, price increases and the sale of forestry assets.

Total investment for the year reached BRR 473.7 million, with BRR 380.8 million related to the Company’s operational maintenance and BRR 92.9 million to increasing the shareholding in the Colombian subsidiary Tablemac, and consequent share delisting. Given the uncertain scenario faced in 2016, Duratex limited its investment, with the emphasis on maintaining its operations but without impacting long term strategy, such as the increased shareholding in Tablemac.


Duratex Results in 4Q

October – December. Thousand BRR

Source: Quarterly Report


Duratex Results

January – December. Thousand BRR

Source: Quarterly Report



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