Chilean plastic edgeband exports grow 137%

Jun 27, 2016 | Manufacturers Materials | 0 comments

CHILE – In the period from January to April 2016 Chilean exports of plastic edgebanding reached USD 1.556.629, an increase of 137% compared to the same period of 2015 (USD 658.913).

Rehau Chile 201606 Argentina was the main export market for Chilean plastic edgeband with 28.7% of total exports and reaching USD 449.740, a significant increase compared to USD 144.974 in the first four months of 2015.

Chilean plastic edgeband exports the Colombian market reached USD 361.877 in the period, a 23.1% share of total exports in the first four months of 2016. Peru was the next most important destination for Chilean edgeband with USD 237.850 and a total exports share of 15.2%. Ecuador was the fourth destination of Chilean exports of plastic edges with USD 161.200, which represented 10.3% of total exports in the four month period and growth in purchases of 22.7%. Mexico was the newcomer in the period, it becomes the fifth external market for Chilean plastic edgeband, with USD 151.631 and 9.7% of total exports.


Chile Plastic Edgeband Exports

January – April. USD – FOB

Source: Notifix/Sisduan



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