German woodworking machinery industry with growth expectations for 2015

Mar 17, 2015 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – Germany’s woodworking machinery industry is expecting solid sales growth in 2015, with current forecasts running at three percent.

homag-ligmatech-201503 This increase would see the industry’s total sales of stationary woodworking machines rise to 2.6 billion euros by the end of the year.

While the final sales figures for 2014 are not yet available, the Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers’ Association within the German Engineering Federation (VDMA) is standing by its estimate of a five percent or greater year-on-year increase. “Despite all the various geopolitical risks, we are confident that sales will grow further this year,” said Wolfgang Pöschl, Managing Director of the VDMA Woodworking Machinery Association and Chairman of the Management Board at WEINIG AG, on the occasion of the LIGNA Preview 2015 in Hannover, Germany.

The global market situation remains positive overall. The Woodworking Machinery Manufacturers’ Association expects that Asia and North America will more than make up for the expected downturn in Russia. Furthermore, the EU is still on track in its recovery, not least because of Germany’s rock-solid economy and the weakening of the euro against key currencies, such as the US dollar and the Chinese RMB. In other words, because their products have become more price-competitive internationally, Europe-based woodworking machinery manufacturers are in an excellent position to capitalize on the surging worldwide demand for capital goods. “All in all, everything is shaping up for another successful LIGNA showcase this year. Wood processors and furniture manufacturers from around the world will once again flock to Hannover to see the latest trends and innovations first hand. After all, the opportunity to see the full spectrum of the world’s top solutions under one roof only comes around once every two years,” remarked Pöschl.


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