Masisa decides to keep ownership of 50 thousand hectares in Chile

May 8, 2014 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE (El Mercurio) – After recently making the sale of 32,500 hectares of planted forests – radiata pine – in Temuco and Valdivia to U.S. firm Hancock for US$ 204 million.

Masisa, controlled by the Grupo Nueva, confirmed that it intends to maintain under its control the remaining forest assets it owns in Chile.

Masisa’s corporate CEO, Roberto Salas, said that in Chile the company had about 82 thousand hectares and after the divestiture, they maintained 50 thousand acres “that are closer to the Cabrero complex, represent significant synergies and that we have no intention of sell.” In this region of the Biobío operates a board manufacturing plant.

At its shareholders meeting last Wednesday, Masisa said that this year Masisa will invest US$ 177 million, with emphasis on its operations in Mexico.

Masisa also operates in Venezuela, and Roberto Salas acknowledged that the uncertainty in the country is one of the factors behind the fall in the share price of the company. The executive said that they will maintain their presence in that market and that their bet on the country is for the long term.

In 2013, the share value of Masisa fluctuated between CLP 59.48 and CLP 32.50, while currently at CLP 28.    



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