Arauco panel sales up 11,9% 4Q-2013

Mar 17, 2014 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

CHILE – Arauco panel sales (MDF, PBO, Plywood and HB) during 2013 closed with a 46% increase respect to the prior year, while the sales in the fourth quarter of 2013 increased 11.9% compared to the same quarter of 2012.

On the other hand, volume sales during 2013 increased 66% compared to 2012, and a 6% increase in the 4th quarter respect to the same quarter of 2012. This strong growth in volume is explained by supply of MDF and PBO from Flakeboard in North America and also because of the new MDF line in Jaguariaiva, Brazil.

During the fourth quarter of the year, plywood sales volume had a 4% drop compared to the third quarter of this year, and a 25% decrease in 2013 respect to 2012. This is mainly explained by higher sales from inventories that the Nueva Aldea mill had before the 2012 wildfire, and a lower production at the last months of 2013 due to the installment of new equipment in Arauco’s mill.

In the case of MDF, sales volume during the last quarter of 2013 decreased 6% respect to the prior quarter of the year due to lower shipments because of seasonal effects, and respect to the fourth quarter of 2012 the sales volume increased 11%. The accumulative volume sales during 2013 was nearly 50% higher than 2012. It is worth mentioning the recovery that has shown the MDF moldings, which is directly related with the recovery of the North American housing market, this recovery resulted in a 20% sales increase compared to 2012.

Sales volume of PBO experienced a decline of 4% compared to the third quarter of this year, explained by lower sales in the Argentinian and North American domestic market mainly in December. On the other hand when compared to the fourth quarter of 2012, volume sales increased 7% and the cumulative sales during 2013 grew 85% respect to the prior year. This increase was driven by our supply growth from the North American operations.


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