“Points of View” the concept behind Interprint’s participation at ZOW

Mar 13, 2014 | Retail / Distribution | 0 comments

GERMANY – “Points of View” was the Interprint motto at ZOW where from 9th to 12th February the company showcased its 2014 collection. This year’s selection was a process in which clients took part through the “Furniture Days 2013” workshops.

Six designs of the collection identified the ones with the largest potential to be successful in the market were highlighted at the stand: Iconic, Maxim, Nash Oak, Nelson, Nomad and Pandora. Other stars of the exhibits were the single color and metallic effect décors. Particularly “Cosmic Sparkle”, a new décor family of “cool to warm” metallic effects. Regarding the single colors include trendy grey and yellowish shades that interplay with the color nuances of the wood décors.

Salvatore Figliuzzi, Décor Development & Marketing Manager for Interprint explained a play on words for the exhibits that many visitors found interesting. “If you look at the word MOOD from the opposite direction it reads WOOD and thus describes our work at Interprint. In our décor development, we need to focus right from the start on the mood we want to achieve with our products and then find a wood original that can realize exactly that.” 



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