Egger records 5% growth in EBITDA to October

Jan 15, 2012 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

GERMANY (Ttjonline).- Egger Group has posted a 5% growth in EBITDA to €127m for the six months ended October 31. Group sales rose 12% to EUR975m, while the profit

margin fell slightly to 13% due to cost increases, particularly for raw materials which could not be fully passed on. Sales of decorative wood panels increased 18% to EUR776m. Egger’s new building products division, comprising lumber and OSB, expanded during the period to make up 8% (EUR82m) of total group sales. “With the commissioning of the new OSB plant in Radauti, Romania in early 2012, the importance of structural wood products within the group will continue to increase,” Egger said. Egger’s retail products division, which focuses on flooring, recorded a 4% sales growth to EUR169m, or 17% of total sales. “The utilisation of the laminate flooring industry as a whole is still not satisfactory and is characterised by high excess capacity.”


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