Ecuadorian Particleboard Exports Resume Positive Trend

Jul 17, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

ECUADOR – The value of Ecuadorian particleboard exports (PB/MDP) in May 2023 was USD 16.96 million, representing an improvement of 12.9 percent compared to the same month of 2022 (USD 15.01 million).

1042ECUADOR Shipments to Colombia, the main external market for Ecuadorian particleboard, reached USD 9.39 million compared to USD 8.89 million in May 2022 (+5.6 percent).

Shipments to Peru, the second largest external market for the Ecuadorian PB/MDP , were USD 5.84 million, an increase of 9.5 percent compared to the same month of 2022 (USD 5.33 million).

The sum of shipments to Colombia and Peru accounted for 89.8 percent of the total value of Ecuadorian PB/MDP exports in May 2023 (May-2022: 94.8 percent).

Ecuadorian PB/MDP exports in May brought total exports in the first five months of the year to USD 88.29 million, 3.7 percent below exports in the same period of 2022 (5M-2022: USD 91.67 million).

ECU E4410 5M2023 ENGL


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