Positive Trade Balance of the Spanish Kitchen Furniture Sector in 1Q-2023

Jun 12, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

SPAIN – The Spanish kitchen furniture sector increases its exports and imports, reaching a favorable balance of EUR 25.55 million in the first quarter of 2023.

1037ESPAÑA As reported by the AMC (Kitchen Furniture Association), between January and March 2023, Spanish kitchen furniture exports reached a value of EUR 49.54 million (up 5.97% compared to the same period 2022). Imports, meanwhile, grew by 33.69% to EUR 23.99 million. The result is a positive trade balance of EUR 25.55 million , although -11.30% lower than in the first quarter of 2022.

In the first quarter of 2023 (January-March), the main recipient countries of Made in Spain kitchen furniture were France, representing 61.5% of the total (+10% compared to last year) with a value of EUR 30.47 million; Portugal, with 12.52% (+21.40%) equivalent to EUR 6.20 million; and the United States, which, with a value of EUR 3.22 million, ranks third and represents 6.5% of the total (+28.3%). The United Kingdom, on the other hand, reached 1.49 million euros during the first quarter of 2023, a figure that represents 3.02% of the total, a significant drop of 45% compared to the same period in 2022.

Finally, we highlight the origin of the kitchen furniture that Spain buys abroad. Germany tops the list, with a value of EUR 7.95 million, representing 33.15% of the total (+8.4% compared to 2022). It is followed by Italy, with 19.74% of the total (+40.6%) materialized through EUR 4.74 million. France, on the other hand, is in third position with EUR 4.56 million in value, 18.99% of the total and a growth of 186.6% compared to the first quarter of 2022.



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