China: Particleboard production capacity in 2022

Apr 17, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

CHINA – According to the Academy of Industry Development and Planning under the National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA) and the China Forestry Products Industry Association (CFPIA) there were 295 particleboard manufacturing enterprises and 314 production lines at the end of 2022 with a production capacity of 41.48 million cubic metres, up 6% year on year.

1029CHINA 19 production lines began operation nationwide in 2022 adding a production capacity of 5 million cubic metres per year. The average single-line production capacity further increased to 132,000 cubic metres per year.

Both the number of enterprises and the number of production lines in China’s particleboard industry have declined for three consecutive years while the total production capacity and average single line production capacity continued to rise.

By the end of 2022 there were 92 continuous flat-pressed particleboard production lines in China with a total production capacity of 23.96 million cubic metres per year, accounting for 58% of the total production capacity distributed in 18 provinces and regions.

There were 36 large-scale particleboard production enterprises and groups in China, an increase of 7 enterprises and groups over 2021, with a total production capacity of 17.46 million cubic metres per year, accounting for 43% of the total production capacity.


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