Claudio Feltrin confirmed President of FederlegnoArredo

Mar 28, 2023 | Markets | 0 comments

ITALIA – With over 95% of the votes, the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of FederlegnoArredo resolved that Claudio Feltrin , current president in office until 2024, will continue his mandate for another two years, until 2026.

1026FEDERLEGNO The outcome of the meeting held in the Foro Buonaparte headquarters confirms what was already resolved on 20 December last by the FederlegnoArredo Presidential Council and then by the General Council: a transparent path shared with the membership base carried out in full and dutiful respect for Statute of the Federation.

“My thanks go to all the associates, to the members of the General Council and of the Presidential Council for the renewed trust placed in me. Together with all of you, I will continue my commitment with determination and conviction to complete the work started over the years, with a view to continuity in the exclusive interest of the associates. My firm points are and remain those with which I was elected president in 2020: transparency and collegiality of governance, representation, quality of services provided, efficiency of the structure and commitment alongside companies in the ecological transition. With today’s vote, the assembly of associates has decided to continue along the path undertaken in support of wood-furniture companies.” The words of Claudio Feltrin .


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