Colombian Furniture Exports up 38.6% in 6M-2022

Aug 15, 2022 | Markets | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – Colombian wood furniture exports maintained a good level of growth in the first half of 2022 (6M-2022).

996COLOMBIA1 They went from USD21.66 million in 6M-2021 to USD30.02 million in 6M-2022, an icrease of 38.6 percent.

RTA Muebles, the country’s main exporter and manufacturer of wood furniture, continued to lead this improvement with exports of USD 9.45 million, 15.1 percent above what was exported in 6M-2021 (USD 8.21 million) and a 31.5 percent share of Colombian wood furniture exports in the first half of 2022 (6M-2021: 37.9 percent).

Industria de Muebles del Valle (INVAL) with an 8.6 percent improvement of its exports in 6M-2022, continues to consolidate as the second exporter with USD 3.64 million (6M-2021: USD 3.35 million). This is equivalent to 12.2 percent of Colombian wood furniture exports in 6M-2022.

Maderkit, stood out with the highest growth among the top three exporting companies, going from USD 963.7 thousand in 6M-2021 to USD 1.99 million in 6M-2022, a remarkable 105.4 percent improvement.

In 6M-2022, the United States was again the main destination for Colombian wood furniture exports. The segment’s shipments to the U.S. totaled USD 12.21 million, a sharp increase of more than 75 percent compared to 6M-2021 (USD 6.91 million).

Chile was the second largest market for Colombian wood furniture exports in the period with USD 3.95 million, a slight improvement of 3.0 percent compared to 6M-2021 (USD 3.83 million).

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