Homag’s Order Intake Exceeds USD 1 billion in First Half 2022

Aug 8, 2022 | Technology Manufacturers | 0 comments

GERMANY – In the first six months of 2022 (6M-2022), the Homag Group’s, the world’s leading provider of integrated solutions for production in the woodworking industry, order intake increased by 18 percent compared to the already high previous year’s figure to EUR 1,031 million (6M-2021: EUR 872 million).

995HOMAG2 “This is the first time we exceeded the EUR 1 billion mark in a half-year,” emphasizes CEO Dr. Daniel Schmitt. “We were successful both in the single machine business and in the systems business with complete production lines as well as with our service portfolio. In terms of regions, North America in particular developed very strongly. Demand was particularly high for systems for the production of components for sustainable timber houses there.” As a result of the high order intake, the order backlog rose to EUR 1,269 million as of June 30, 2022 (6M-2021: EUR 839 million).

Sales increased for the sixth consecutive quarter, improving by 21 percent to EUR 782 million in the first half of 2022 (6M-2021: EUR 647 million). The basis for this was the high order backlog, efficient capacity utilization and the improved adaption to material shortages.

The Homag Group was able to increase its EBIT before extraordinary effects by 45 percent to EUR 58.6 million (previous year: EUR 40.3 million), even though the supply chain problems continued to lead to additional expenses and the share of sales revenue generated by lower-margin merchandise was above average.

High capacity utilization, the growing service business and the efficiency improvements of previous years had a positive impact on earnings.



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