Fimma and Movelsul close with great success

Apr 4, 2022 | Markets | 0 comments

BRAZIL – The Fimma and Movelsul trade fairs, held jointly for the first time, received 30,295 thousand professional visitors from all Brazilian states and 41 countries.

977BRASIL The result was highly positive: the organization estimates that, together, Fimma and Movelsul will generate more than USD 330 million in the next 12 months. The event was held from March 14 to 17, in Bento Gonçalves (RS), with 500 exhibiting brands in 58 thousand square meters of exhibition space.

The president of the Furniture Industry Association of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Movergs), Rogério Francio, emphasizes “We consider the union of the two fairs as assertive, after all, we had absolute success of acceptance among exhibitors and visitors who, for four days, sought launches, innovation and good deals”.

With a qualified public, Fimma and Movelsul received professionals from various areas linked to the segment – furniture industry; suppliers of machinery, accessories, tools and raw materials; architects; designers; retailers and foreign buyers. To enhance opportunities in the foreign market, both fairs had International Business Rounds with buyers from 18 target countries of the furniture chain.

Movergs’ projection for Fimma is USD 330 million. The entities expect a nominal growth of 15% compared to the last editions (Movelsul in 2018 and Fimma in 2019), with a period of 12 months for transactions to materialize, since, in some cases, the fairs are the first contact to do business.


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