Eucatex completes 25 years of FSC Forest Management certification

Jun 21, 2021 | Board Manufacturers | 0 comments

BRAZIL – With 70 years of history, Eucatex is recognized as one of the largest producers of MDF, MDP and laminated flooring in the country, in addition to offering several other products from Eucalyptus.


The company has in its DNA a genuine concern to manage its business in an environmentally responsible manner and completes 25 years of FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certification for Forest Management, and 22 years of the Chain of Custody certificate.

The certification is an important seal of good forest management practices, internationally recognized and present in over 70 countries. Founded in 1994, FSC emerged as a response to concerns about global deforestation, seeking to promote worldwide the cultivation of wood in an environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically viable way, through tools that promote positive and lasting change in forests. .

In Brazil, these discussions began in 1996, the same year in which Eucatex obtained its FSC certification in its Forest Management, and since then it has been periodically renewed, seeking to meet all criteria and seeking to improve its methods.


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