Colombian furniture exports increase 49.4% in 1Q-2021

May 17, 2021 | Furniture Manufacturer | 0 comments

COLOMBIA – In the period January – March 2021 (1Q-2021), Colombia exported wooden furniture for USD 12.1 million, which represents a strong improvement of 49.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, when wooden furniture exports reached USD 8.1 million.

933COLOMBIA2 RTA Muebles, the main exporter and manufacturer of wooden furniture in the country, once again led this important rebound with exports of USD 5.1 million, a notorious 58.4% percent higher than in the same period of the previous year (1Q-2020: USD 3.2 million ) and a 42.2 percent share of Colombian wooden furniture exports in the quarter (Q1 – 2020: 39.8 percent share).

Industria de Muebles del Valle (INVAL) achieved an even more notable growth in its exports in 1Q-2021 (274.9%), reaching USD 2.27 million compared to USD 606 thousand in 1Q-2020, which represented a participation of 18.8 per percent of total Colombian exports of wooden furniture in the period (1Q-2020: 7.5 percent share) and an improvement of 11.3 pp

Maderkit also stood out with high growth, among the main exporting companies, going from USD 247 thousand in 1Q-2020 to USD 676 thousand in 1Q-2021, an increase of 174.3 percent.

Milestone Muebles, which did not export in 1Q-2020, registered shipments of USD 392 thousand in 1Q-2021.

In the first quarter of 2021, the United States was the main destination for Colombian exports of wooden furniture. Segment shipments to the US totaled USD 4.1 million, a significant improvement of 96.6 percent compared to the same period 2020 (1Q-2020: 2.1 million).

Chile was the second export market for Colombian wooden furniture in 1Q-2021 with USD 2.6 million, a significant improvement of 181.8 percent compared to USD 920 thousand in 1Q-2020.





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