WBPI’s Beyond Covid virtual conference changes date to May 11

Mar 15, 2021 | Markets | 0 comments

UK – Wood Based Panels International’s (WBPI) virtual half-day conference event – Beyond Covid-19: The global wood-based panels industry adapting for the future – will be taking place on May 11.

924WBPI The date has been changed from the original February 16 timeline and is now set to take place after Interzum on May 11, looking at how the international wood-based panels industry has adapted to the current pandemic and at movements in furniture trends.

The conference is designed to be a gathering point for industry leaders in the global panels industry. Aimed at primary panel manufacturers, secondary processors, technology/equipment suppliers, the furniture design community and other stakeholders, the online event is being launched as part of WBPI’s new VirtualViews digital platform.

The half-day online conference will have a special focus on the furniture sector, share how various panels markets are performing, as well as how manufacturers are adjusting to the situation.

It will also look at the products, technology, equipment and trends that could prove to be important as we move into new phases of the pandemic and beyond.


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